What is Beeswax?
Beeswax has been used by humans probably as long as honey has been eaten by us. Its uses appear to be endless with different hobbies, crafts and projects all finding a use for this natural substance. As we lunge into autumn, our thoughts turn to inside activities and my work moves from bee experiences to crafting workshops. With the workshops predominantly beeswax focused I thought now would be a good time to talk about what beeswax is.
Beeswax has been used for fishing, sewing, DIY, art and of course for candles, polishes, beauty and cleaning products amongst many other things. More recently using wax, often combined with oil and pine resin, is being used to create wraps that are the eco-friendly alternative to cling film with the added bonus of being antibacterial too! I like to use wax in things for the home; one of my first concoctions was making a polish for wood, then I made one for leather. I also like to make pretty fire lighters with wax, a wick and some pretty natural added extras to make them attractive gifts for those really difficult to buy for! Once you start using beeswax you find a use for it everywhere.