Found a swarm?
It’s natural for honey bees to swarm; every spring the queen starts to lay 1,000 eggs each day and after three weeks those eggs start to hatch, introducing thousands of new bees into the hive. It doesn’t take long for an average size colony to grow and become too big for its hive so some of them look for a new home, along with their queen; this is one of the reasons why honey bees swarm.
If a swarm lands in your garden please give us a call on 07854 527 163 and we will come over and try to remove it, bringing it back to one of our apiaries and giving it a lovely new home.
My home location is Hedenham near Bungay on the Suffolk/Norfolk border (NR35 2DQ) so this is the best area for collection by me. If you would like to find your nearest swarm collector please visit the BBKA website where you’ll find other registered beekeepers who may help
If you’d like to see some footage of me removing some swarms take a look at my You Tube channel.